

Your prior experiences define your ability contribute in the future. I'm always looking for new projects that give me opportunities to learn. Take a look below at what I've been working on recently.


An e-commerce site for a multi-vitamin designed to combat hangover symptoms.

Screenshot of eccommerce website I made

Project Description

On this project the client came to me looking to create an e-commerce store and promotional website. The site had a few primary design concerns.

One, to send to proper message. Many competitors in this field market themselves as if they were the Redbull of vitamins and go after a young, alcohol-centric demographic. Previve on the other hand wanted to present itself as mature and scientific. I worked with the client iterating on wireframes and design mockups until the design conveyed the intended message.

Two, the site needed to be compatible on all devices, especially mobile. I used media-queries and functional CSS in order to ensure the design adapts to any screen.

Finally three, the site needed to have a frictionless checkout process. In order to accomplish this I created a Shopify theme that shared stylesheets with the promotional site. In turn, creating one unified experience.

Skills Utilized

  • Iterative and Collabarative Design
  • Responsive Design
  • E-Commerce
  • Shopify Theming
  • SEO
  • HTML 5 and CSS
  • Ruby on Rails


An scheduling and timekeeping application designed to meet the unique needs of a catering company.

Screenshot of staffing application dashboard.

Project Description

The client came to me looking for tailored scheduling system for their catering company. Previously the company was using Google Sheets and email to manage over 350 employees. Ensuring everyone was up to date on any given event was of top priority.

I worked with their scheduling team to identify their current work flow. From here I began work on a Ruby on Rails based system to replace their previous system. The site needed to be designed for three different user types which was an interesting design experience.

There are three encapsulated sections of the site: employee, captain and scheduler. Each one has different design priorities to be considered. For example the admin wants complete control and access to information. Alternatively the captain needs a simple interface that will be easy to use onsite during stressful events.

Skills Utilized

  • Responsive Design
  • Multi-User Interface
  • SASS and SCSS
  • CSS Mixins
  • Javascript
  • Ruby on Rails